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July 13
BBS Updates for July 2009
The Board of Behavioral Sciences’ (BBS) Web site has been updated to include the following changes: 1. New information relating to fingerprinting requirements for licensees is now available. As a result of the adoption of new regulations, all licensees and registrants who have previously not submitted fingerprints as a condition of licensure or registration for … Continued
Continue reading >July 7
BBS MFT Licensure Path Resources
The BBS has some great resources to help understand the road to MFT licensure for Interns & Trainees. Sean O’Conner heads a wonderful outreach program, which has put a lot of time into developing resources to more easily understand the rules & regulations. Enjoy!
Continue reading >July 2
MFTguide to offer advice to TYH community
Are you ready to see those hours add up a little more quickly? Do you want to learn how you can be prepared to take and pass licensing exams when you hit that magic number- without additional months of studying and stress?
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