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November 2
In case you haven’t heard, the BBS is making some big changes to the MFT supervised experience requirements for hours earned on or after January 1, 2010. Before we get into the specifics, we want to let all of you in the TYH community know that we are working to update TrackYourHours to comply with … Continued
Continue reading >September 8
Getting Great Clinical Supervision
Do you remember your first clinical supervision appointment? If you were like me your were nervous, excited, had a ton of questions, and and a ton of fear about asking the questions. My wonderful clinical supervisor was quite busy when I met with her the first day, and unfortunately it played on my own insecurities about the process. Thankfully, as we met more often, the relationship improved, she was less rushed, and I learned a ton of great lessons! Were my clinical supervision experiences perfect? No, could they have been improved? Absolutely! The question comes down to, as a pre-licensed person, what can you do to ensure that you get great clinical supervision? First, you need to evaluate what is (and is not) working in your clinical supervision relationship:
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