What are conjoint couples and family hours? (California MFT)
The BBS provides an incentive for gaining experience treating couples and families by applying a 2:1 multiplier to these hours. Both pre- and post-degree you are allowed to “double-count” up to 150 hours of treatment of couples and families. If you log 150 hours with couples and families, they will be counted as 300 hours when your hours are submitted for review.
Logging your conjoint couples and family hours in TrackYourHours
Consistent with the BBS forms, the conjoint couples and family hours are a subset of your Couples, Families and Children category. To enter the hours in TrackYourHours:
1. Enter the total number of couples, families and children hours you logged in the Couples, Families and Children category. For example, if you logged 4 hours with couples, 3 hours with families and 2 hours with children, you would enter 9 in the Couples, Families and Children category.
2. Next, enter the number of Couples and Families hours in the Conjoint Incentive Hours category (the next row in the form). From the example above, you would enter 7, because of the 9 hours you are logging, 7 should be counted as conjoint couples and family incentive (4 hours with couples + 3 hours with families). The hours you enter as conjoint incentive will not increase your recorded hours. You are simply indicating which hours within your Couples, Families and Children category should be counted as conjoint couples and family so the BBS can apply the 2:1 multiplier when they review your hours.
Below is a screen shot of how the hours in the aforementioned example would be entered in TrackYourHours.
(click image to enlarge)
How are conjoint couples and family hours reported in TrackYourHours?
The conjoint couples and family hours you enter will not increase your recorded total of hours but they will be reflected in your valid total so you can see how many hours you have earned after applying the 2:1 multiplier. In the previous example the Recorded total would increase by 12 (actual hours entered) and the Valid total would increase by 19 (12 + 7 conjoint incentive hours double counted).
The BBS does not want the conjoint couples and family hours double counted in the total calculation for each week. So even though conjoint couples and family hours gained in a particular week are included in the details for that week, they are not included in the total calculation for the week. The BBS wants you to report your hours and indicate which are conjoint couples and family so they can apply the 2:1 multiplier when they review your hours. TrackYourHours has been designed to report the hours consistent with the expectations of the BBS.
Using the example above, the hours entered would be reflected in a weekly log report as follows:
(click image to enlarge)