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November 4
Beating Burnout
As Therapists and Social Workers working towards licensure, it is easy to spread yourself thin. Working to ‘get your hours’ while trying to balance your work and family life can feel like multiple full-time jobs. With routines, paperwork and working with clients, you can reach a point where things begin to feel overwhelming. Use the … Continued
Continue reading >November 2
Productivity Tip: Silent Scheduler
One of the easiest ways to increase your productivity is to be doing what you’re doing when you’re doing it. If you’ve been sitting in the middle of class or in session with a client only to have the flow interrupted by your ringing cell phone, we have a suggestion. Silent Scheduler is a free … Continued
Continue reading >April 18
BBS: Announced 12-16 weeks for processing applications
Back in February, the BBS posted on their website that the current processing time for MFT applications is running about 12-16 weeks. If you’ve already submitted your application and are wondering where you are in the process, the BBS website frequently updates what ‘week’ of submitted applications they are currently working on. For the week … Continued
Continue reading >March 18
Just launched California ASW version of TYH
We are very excited to announce the launch of the new version of TYH built specifically for California ASWs. We have rebuilt TYH from the ground up and will be rolling out new products over the coming months for tracking hours in other states for Social Workers, MFTs and LPCs. We will also be updating … Continued
Continue reading >March 3
Important BBS Update: Logging Conjoint Incentive Hours
Here is an important excerpt from the BBS FAQ sheet on logging your Conjoint Couples & Family Incentive hours. (Click here to read the entire document). How do I log/get credit for the conjoint couples and family incentive hours? When completing the Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience form and the MFT Experience Verification form, … Continued
Continue reading >March 3
BBS Updates: March 3, 2010
The BBS website has been updated to include the following information: The Board and Committee Meeting calendar for 2010 has been updated and can be found on the Board Meeting page. The Committees page has been updated to reflect Tracy Rhine’s appointment as Assistant Executive Officer as well as new Committee’s and members for the … Continued
Continue reading >March 2
And now for something completely different…
The Paradox of Choice: This is a great presentation by Psychologist Barry Schwartz on the psychological consequences of having the freedom of choice….
Continue reading >March 2
2010 BBS Forms Faqs
FAQ’s for Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience & MFT Experience Verification Form When completing these forms, be sure to complete all necessary fields. The Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience and the MFT Experience Verification form are the two forms used to document supervised work experience requirements. 1. How do I log/get credit for … Continued
Continue reading >March 2
Pre-Licensed Private Practice
Have you landed that illusive private practice internship? If so, great job! I know how much effort it takes to make that kind of connection! Now comes the hard part- marketing that pre-licensed private practice! Here are few quick tips to get you pointed in the right direction: 1. Be bold. I know, most MFT … Continued
Continue reading >February 21
2010 Experience Verification Form Added
We are happy to let you know that we just added the 2010 Experience Verification Form to the TYH 2010 version of TrackYourHours. We hope to have the 2010 Reports section added in about a week.
Continue reading >Start your free, 30-day trial today.
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